Thursday, June 10, 2010


Art is a language that communicates feelings, ideas, moods and experiences...only the creator REALLY knows the intent, purpose and meaning. If you happen to "get it", consider yourself special...or maybe weird.

If you draw a tree and it looks like a squirrel, don't be surprised when the picture is filed under "animals".

Watch that sanctimonious inclination to add your shovelful of dirt to the hole someone has fallen into. You wouldn't have dirt to throw unless you've been in a hole yourself. Remember how that felt. God decides who is in or out of the game. Don't foolishly view another person's misfortune or failure as your time to shine--or judge. Resist the temptation to puff yourself up as morally or spiritually superior. Okay, so you read more, pray more, fast more, and are at church every time the doors swing open. Good for you. It's what you DON'T do, that might tarnish your reputation and witness. Remember, God is no respecter of persons. Men are. Aim to please God.

It's sad when competition runs rampant, tramples over, and displaces unity--and there's no ball, bat, or net involved.

1 comment:

  1. "Sad when competition runs rampant, tramples over and displaces unity...and there's no ball, bat, or net involved."

    I really like this quote a lot, mind if I mention it in a blog post.

    Your Long Lost Student:
