Wednesday, May 12, 2010


There are some things you DON'T have to do, or put up with, and your Christianity is in no way impacted by your decision. 
You ARE a Christian, and it is primarily attributed to the finished work of Christ on Calvary--not whether you jump through man-made hoops toward man-made martyrdom. Some so-called mandatory requirements have nothing to do with the cause of Christ. They are just strangling, imposing, binding forms of foolishness and selfishness that used to have another name- SLAVERY.
What other people think you are SUPPOSED to do has no bearing on what must be done. You don't want to believe it, but there are a lot of people watching you and hoping that you fail. Every time you stand up after being knocked down, you annoy the hell out of someone. Keep standing. Hell is a good thing for people to rid themselves of.
Watch what others do when they are confronted with the same crap they expect you to wallow in. They don't bother! Learn that lesson. People expect you to do what they refuse to do, are too busy or unconcerned to do, and then seek to make you feel guilty for finally seeing the light.
You are in a competition that you didn't know you'd entered, and with the most unlikely people. Their greatest delight would be to see you out of the running- and here you are thinking that you have so little! Wake up! Get up! You have an enemy who could care less about anything other than annihilating your faith.

No. Every task is not going to be enjoyable, but deliberately putting yourself in a position to get your face slapped, butt kicked, or heart trounced is no longer acceptable. Do what you can. Always check your motives. Operate heartily as unto the Lord, but do not allow yourself to be bound or gagged by those who neither appreciate nor celebrate you. Some people get a kick out of being oppressive. Abusive people need others at their disposal to ridicule and hurt. Don't be a volunteer for your own destruction. Guard your heart against every imp that tries to make you feel that there is something holy about subjecting yourself to the tormenting behavior of others. Contrary to popular belief, words have just as much a damaging effect on the body's system as an actual weapon. Don't be a hermit. Don't become reclusive, but for the sake of your well-being, protect yourself.
Don't go around looking for fights or picking up crosses, but recognize the need to keep your own heart and mind as healthy as possible. Don't doubt your discernment. The enemy knows that you see him, who he has tried to, and has successfully used to harm you, and he is highly disturbed by it. Keep shining that light, and don't you dare be the one to put it out. Keep shining it-- not in judgment, but as a way for others to see Christ.
Flee fault-finders, argumentative, critical, combative and angry people. They are positively draining to you and serve no purpose except distraction. No. You don't need people who will agree with everything that you say, or only flatter, complement and applaud you, but purposefully surround yourself with those who will affirm and strengthen you.
If there is any tearing down, don't let it be from within as a result of the tearing down from without. Appreciate your sensitivity. Embrace your sense of compassion and desire to serve, but a door mat you are not. You are not paranoid. You see and hear exactly what God wants you to see and hear--more reason why the enemy is furious. Let people say whatever they wish. Avoid the need to defend yourself. Being disliked is not fun, but it's a reality. Don't play with those who hate you. Pray for them, but don't give them an inch. Ignore people who consider themselves experts, but don't know what they heck they are talking about. Their opinions don't matter at all. Always check the sources of information that comes to you in the form of advice. Don't waste time.
Speak up firmly, and with assurance when it is necessary. Be silent when it is required. Love people. Please God. Being a peacemaker is one thing. Being a punk is another. Fear is not your friend, and there are some instances where you simply have to care less about what is going to be said or done after YOU say what, at long last, needs to be said--and you can still be nice about it.
God doesn't miss a trick. Let him handle the tough stuff. No. On second thought, let Him handle everything. Reconcile that some things will NEVER change. Stop asking why, and re-evaluate your responses to avoid having to re-learn lessons.
Take care of yourself. You have work to do.

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