Thursday, May 20, 2010


Advertising and networking is one thing, but bragging to get a rise out of, or to compare oneself to others is unattractive, if not a little sad. If one's activities are honest and of value, one need never competitively align oneself with others. 
Be the best you, that you can be. Show God that you're making good use out of what He gave to you. That way, when someone with better skills comes along, you won't wear yourself out trying to topple them off of the pedestal upon which YOU placed them. You will enjoy what you do so much more when you stop competing--especially considering that there will always be someone who doesn't like, or won't validate what you do. You will enjoy what you do so much more when you stop competing and checking to see who is, or is not looking and approving--or who's envious. 
Constantly monitoring the reaction of one's perceived enemies is a waste of time. Constantly acknowledging so called haters is suspect, too. THE enemy and YOUR enemies will always wish that you would fail miserably, or go somewhere and die. Face it. We all have social networking "friends" whose sole purpose is to keep tabs on everything you write, and report back to people who are too computer illiterate to stalk you themselves. (Not convinced? Post that you're really sick or something, and check the responses)--- but even enemies have their OWN business about which to attend and aren't always preoccupied with you.

Spite and competition combined, are counter-productive motivators, and rob the joy and satisfaction out of what one does. Everything is not a game, so stop playing--especially if no one else is on the field cheering or opposing. Bragging and boasting under the guise of networking is a little sad. No matter how big-time one's activities appear to be, if God doesn't acknowledge or approve, one may as well go sit under a tree and stare at the grass. 

Let the work you've done speak for you. If it has any worth or impact at all, God will be glorified, and others will gladly share it--and you can put your own horn back in the case.

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