Sunday, April 11, 2010


I woke up exhausted, as if I'd been doing heavy, manual labor all night. 
My dream was extremely stressful. 
The bold woman in my dream looked like me, but she was not running or backing down from a thief who, for some reason, had keys to my home. 

"Dream Me" was demanding answers and facing her enemy. She wasn't allowing harsh words, bullying, reverse psychology, or manipulative tactics to affect her at all. She looked the thief directly in the eye. She was relentless. 
I was admiring her spunk and bravery, but it was definitely a dream. 
I know, had it been a real occurrence, I would have been on the phone to police dispatch, or trying to find a window to climb out of! 
Perhaps it was yet another heavenly-generated pop quiz in how to deal with difficult people--a subject I have flunked more times than I want to admit. I'm am determined, however, to master that art sooner than later.

When I woke up, rattling to my nerves as it was, I didn't want to forget my dream. I grabbed my computer and started tweeting. (Twitter is an excellent note pad.) I don't know why I didn't blog first. (duh) 
After I'd written as many details as I could remember, Donald Lawrence tweeted, "Vanessa??!! I'm going to need you not to write a short story this AM"
That made me laugh, but it didn't deter me from purging as much as I could before the memory faded-- like it usually does if you don't write or record it immediately after waking up. 

Just as I'd asked out loud, "Lord, what did that mean?", the Twitter responses came:

Rajul Sahih wrote:
"Thief = the Enemy; he was in the form of a Lady, meaning a degree of familiarity; possibly one close to you. 
Keys = Access; Prayer builds the hedge, the "neighbors" would be those "near to you" that pray for you,helping to maintain the hedge of protection, especially in prayer. 
The Conversation = prayer, not about the situation, but to the situation; speak directly to the Enemy, forbidding entrance in to your House - including Home, Church and Body. Your consistent stance was proof that you CAN withstand the Enemy, even in your face. 
The 3 represent the Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Ghost; Prayer, Praise and Worship; even 3 key people in your Life"

Yes. His thoughtful response required him to "twit longer", and I for one, was glad he'd signed up for more that 140 characters. He had carefully read what I'd written:

"I woke up exhausted. In my dream I startled the woman who was trying to get into my home and was asking her, "Where did you get those keys?"

"I suppose I was "Bold, Confrontational Vanessa" in my dream. It never occurred to "Dream Me" that one of us could have gotten hurt..."

"I remember asking her, "What makes you think that you should have access to my home? She said, "I thought my sister lived in there".

"Other people began circling the situation. They wanted to know why she was trying to break in, too. "Dream Me" wasn't backing down..."

"Dream Me" never left the doorway. The thief tried to run down the stairs. I asked again. "What makes you think you should have access here?"

"Each time "Dream Me" asked, the thief's lies got bigger. Then she tried to turn the tables. "Why is your door so weak? Why did my keys work?"

"I'm amazed at how tiring a liar can be-- even in a dream...but I'm concerned now about what the dream meant. Need to pray..."

"I was standing at the top of the stairs, staring down at the thief in my dream. Three tall people were surrounding me. They had questions..."

"The thief tried to lie to the three tall people, too. They were better at asking questions than "Dream Me" had been..."

"The three tall people's questions made the thief extremely defensive and angry. The thief tried to talk to "Dream Me", but they stopped her..."

"Dream Me" noticed that the three tall people never raised their voices, they just kept asking questions. The thief threw down the keys..."

I was typing furiously. I knew I was going to write more. Maybe it was good that I saw Donald's message when I did. I'd remembered my dream clearly, it troubled me, and I was probably going to over analyze it unnecessarily. 
Messages from others started pouring in. Donald and Rajul weren't the only ones looking at what was scrolling on my timeline. While Donald and Dion were being light and humorous, others like Rajul were tapping in to wisdom. For them, it wasn't a laughing matter, but a spiritual one.

Sabrina wrote:
"You don't know me, but I believe your dream was visitation. The enemy is trying to enter your life through lies. (Consider new friendships...) However, you are able to discern these people and cut them off. The tall people may represent those that you trust wholeheartedly- or even angels...hence him becoming angry and retreating. Stay alert and prayerful. Examine friendships and conversations; If things seem "shady" they probably are."

Richard wrote:
"Van, this means guard your heart under lock and key, and if anyone tries to steal it, beat the stew out of them. LOL"
(That made me laugh and smile-- as did Dion's message in which he identified the "three tall people" in my dream as "Hickory, Dickory and Doc".)

Jocelyn wrote:
"That can be a sermon! Why did my key work?! Wow!!!!!"

Each note I read made me feel so much better. I didn't like waking up feeling so fearful. I was even more determined to get to church. Sabrina said that my dream encouraged to press her way to her place of worship. That made me smile, too.

I am not spooky by any stretch of the imagination, but I greatly appreciated the way people took the time to pray and share.
Their responses inspired me to write:
"Answers don't take all day to arrive when you're looking for them...."

I'm back at home now. I'm full. I'm happy. It's 6:33 PM. Worship at Zion Church was so refreshing, and it was nice to have dinner with family afterward. The stress from my dream has faded. My gratitude hasn't.

Two statements that Pastor Keith Battle made this afternoon, struck me concerning my dream:
1. "It ain't no fun when the rabbit got the gun".

2. "You've got to be more than strategic. You've got to have action".

Pastor Battle was referring to our propensity to be judgmental instead of loving, and unable to swallow our own words when judgment ricochets back in our direction. I received what he was saying concerning the giving of gifts, and loving effectively, but the underlying, bonus message for me was, "
The enemy can't have the upper hand. He has lost. You have no business ever running scared, or wasting time defending yourself against his tactics, lies and accusations. Knowing the right words to use means nothing when circumstances come that require activity." 

I realize that I have to know what to do and say, and not be intimidated or afraid--especially when truth is on my side. Backing down, bowing out, or quitting altogether is always an option, but not always the best one.

I looked for a little additional advice for myself and read Colossians 4:2.
"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." 

I can't think of a better idea.

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