Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I heard the familiar "message received" and looked at my phone. The message sent at 1:44PM today read, "Today after almost a century of effort, health insurance reform becomes law. Thank you for your partnership in creating change--President Obama"

I won't text back. He's probably very busy, being the POTUS and all. I will, however pray for him and his lovely family. Hatred is still lingering in America, but it pales in comparison to the power of love, compassion, the tenacity to do the right thing and true service.

For days, people have been arguing whether health care is a right or a privilege. The folks who argue the most and the loudest are the ones who have health insurance. Congressmen who were sent to serve their constituents, and who have the best health care money can buy, were consumed by some idea that reforming the health care system was an evil thing to do. Further debate has been going on as to how the country will pay to keep its citizens well. I imagine that the same dollars that go toward sending men and women to die, fight and kill, can be channeled into helping to keep Americans healthy, safe and alive. 

I'm always amused when someone says, "The American people want this or that", and I know for sure that no one has asked me or anyone I know what we think. Fear, hatred and threats are still being trotted out as deterrents to progress and many are still following crowds and behaving badly as if they all share a collective brain. 
This past week reminded me of how I feel each time I see violent footage from the civil rights era. I always look at the angry faces of the people who are spitting, beating, fighting, sicking, cursing and wonder, "Where are their children and grandchildren?"

I never will understand why people would begrudge others anything that would improve the quality of their lives. Many people forget that the grace of God covers us all, and nothing we have or will obtain is acquired without his help. If one can work, it's by God's grace. if one is wealthy, it's by God's grace. Life's circumstances can turn from good to bad in a matter of seconds. What one has worked for a lifetime to gain, can be washed away in an instant. We never know when we will be the one in need of help. It would behoove us all to dismount from high horses of self-importance and self-reliance, meet needs when we have the ability to do so, and thank God as often as we can for his mercy and grace.

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